How To Fold A Kimono

How To Fold A Kimono

The kimono is a traditional form of Japanese clothing worn since centuries, and folding a kimono can be an intricate and delicate process. Kimonos are fragile and must be handled with care, so it is important to follow these steps to properly fold a kimono.

Preparing the Kimono

Before you begin, make sure you have a clean, flat surface to lay the kimono out on for folding. You should also ensure that the kimono is free of any wrinkles before you begin folding. If there are wrinkles, lightly press them out using an iron set on a low temperature setting.

Folding the Kimono

Lay the kimono out flat with the left sleeve closest to you. Fold the left sleeve away from you so that it is tucked behind the kimono. Then fold the right sleeve away from you to cover the left sleeve. Now fold the kimono in half lengthwise so that the right and left sides meet. Fold the kimono in half again lengthwise and place it on the center of the folded kimono. Finally, fold the bottom of the kimono up towards the center of the folded kimono. You should now have a neat and tidy square package.

Storing the Kimono

Once you have your kimono neatly folded, you can store it in a dry, dark place such as a closet or drawer. Be sure to wrap the kimono in an acid-free tissue when storing it to protect it from dust, dirt, and exposure to light. This will help to preserve the color and quality of the fabric.

People Also Ask

What is the proper way to fold a kimono?

The proper way to fold a kimono is to lay it flat on a clean, flat surface. Fold the left sleeve away from you, then fold the right sleeve away from you to cover the left sleeve. Next, fold the kimono in half lengthwise and then in half again, and finally fold the bottom of the kimono up towards the center of the folded kimono.

How should I store a kimono?

When storing a kimono, you should choose a dry, dark place such as a closet or drawer. Be sure to wrap the kimono in an acid-free tissue to protect it from dust, dirt, and exposure to light. This will help to preserve the color and quality of the fabric.

What can I use to press wrinkles out of a kimono?

If you need to press wrinkles out of a kimono, use an iron set on a low temperature setting. Be sure to use a pressing cloth between the iron and the kimono to protect the fabric.

Can I wash a kimono?

It is not recommended that you wash a kimono. Cleaning should be done by a professional who is familiar with the delicate fabrics used to make a kimono.

How long does a kimono last?

A kimono can last many years if properly cared for. Be sure to store it in a dry, dark place and wrap it in an acid-free tissue to protect it from dust and dirt. Also, do not wash a kimono and have it professionally cleaned instead.

Folding a kimono can be an intricate and delicate process, but with patience and care you can properly fold and store your kimono. Keep these steps in mind when folding and storing your kimono to ensure its longevity.

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