Which Is The Word Root In Democratically

Which Is The Word Root In Democratically

The word root in democratically can be an important aspect of understanding a word and its meaning. Democratically is used to describe the way a government is run or a decision-making process. It is important to understand the word root in democratically in order to fully comprehend how it is used.

Word Root

The root of the word democratically is “demo”. This root is derived from the Greek word “demos”, which means “people”. The word root in democratically is used to refer to the government or decision-making process of the people or the people’s rule.


Word RootMeaning
The word root “demo” is combined with the word root “cracy” which is derived from the Greek word “kratos”, which means “rule”. When these two words are combined, it forms the word democratically which is used to describe the way a government is run or a decision-making process.


In conclusion, the word root in democratically is an important aspect of understanding the meaning of the word. The root “demo” is derived from the Greek word “demos”, which means “people”, and the root “cracy” is derived from the Greek word “kratos”, which means “rule”. When these two words are combined, it forms the word democratically which is used to describe the government or decision-making process of the people or the people’s rule.

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