Which Of The Following Is Not True Of Organelles

Which Of The Following Is Not True Of Organelles

Organelles are essential components of all cells. They are responsible for carrying out essential functions such as metabolism, transport, and energy production. Each organelle has its own set of characteristics that make it unique and separate it from the others. While most organelles are true of all cells, there are some that are not.

Organelles That Are Not True of All Cells


Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells and some protists that are responsible for photosynthesis. They are not found in animal cells, as animals gain their energy from their diet instead.


Centrioles are cylindrical structures found in most animal cells that are used to organize the microtubules during cell division. They are not found in plant cells or fungi, as these organisms do not require them for cell division.


The nucleolus is an organelle found in eukaryotic cells that is responsible for the production of ribosomes. It is not found in prokaryotic cells, as these cells lack the nucleus and the nucleolus is located within the nucleus.
OrganelleTrue Of All Cells
It is important to remember that not all organelles are true of all cells. While some may be found in certain types of cells, they may not be found in others. It is important to understand the differences between the organelles and to know which ones are not true for all cells.

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Q: What are some organelles that are true of all cells? A: Some organelles that are true of all cells include the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, and lysosomes. Q: What are some organelles that are not true of all cells? A: Some organelles that are not true of all cells include chloroplasts, centrioles, and nucleoli.

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