What Time Is It In Richmond Ky

What Time Is It In Richmond Ky

What time is it in Richmond, Kentucky? That's a good question and one that many people might be asking. The answer is that it is currently 6:15 PM EDT in Richmond, Kentucky.

What is the current time in Richmond, Kentucky?

The current time in Richmond, Kentucky is 6:15 PM EDT.

What time zone is Richmond, Kentucky in?

Richmond, Kentucky is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET), which is five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

What time does Richmond, Kentucky switch to Daylight Saving Time?

Richmond, Kentucky follows the Daylight Saving Time (DST) schedule for the United States. On the second Sunday in March, the clocks are moved forward one hour and on the first Sunday in November, the clocks are moved back one hour.

What is the time difference between Richmond, Kentucky and other cities?

The time difference between Richmond, Kentucky and other cities will vary depending on the city. For instance, Richmond, Kentucky is one hour ahead of Chicago, Illinois. Additionally, Richmond, Kentucky is three hours ahead of Los Angeles, California.

People Also Ask

What is the longitude and latitude of Richmond, Kentucky?

The longitude and latitude of Richmond, Kentucky are 37.739° N, 84.293° W.

What is the elevation of Richmond, Kentucky?

The elevation of Richmond, Kentucky is 915 ft (279 m) above sea level.

Is Richmond, Kentucky in the Central Time Zone?

No, Richmond, Kentucky is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET).

What is sunrise and sunset time in Richmond, Kentucky?

The sunrise and sunset times in Richmond, Kentucky vary depending on the time of year. For instance, the sunrise and sunset times on June 21, 2021 are 5:57 AM EDT and 8:42 PM EDT respectively.

What is the population of Richmond, Kentucky?

The population of Richmond, Kentucky is 34,468 people, according to the 2020 United States Census.

Knowing what time it is in Richmond, Kentucky can help you plan your day or prepare for an upcoming event. Whether you're in the area or just visiting, it's helpful to know what time it is in Richmond, Kentucky so you can make the most out of your day.

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