How To Pronounce Hovel

How To Pronounce Hovel

Hovel is a noun that refers to a small, crude, and often dirty dwelling. It is usually constructed of wood, mud, or other materials and is often used as a shelter by the homeless or very poor. Pronouncing hovel can be a bit tricky, as there is no one universal way to say it. Here we will discuss how to pronounce hovel in American English.

How to pronounce hovel?

Hovel is pronounced as “huh-vuhl” in American English. The “h” is silent and the “v” is pronounced like a “v” in the word “vine”. The “uh” sound is pronounced like the “u” sound in the word “up”. The “l” is pronounced like the “l” in the word “lunch”. All together, the word is pronounced “huh-vuhl”.

People Also Ask

What does hovel mean?

Hovel is a noun that refers to a small, crude, and often dirty dwelling. It is usually constructed of wood, mud, or other materials and is often used as a shelter by the homeless or very poor.

What is another word for hovel?

Some synonyms for hovel include shack, hutch, hut, lean-to, and hovel.

What is the origin of the word hovel?

The word hovel has its origins in Middle English, where it was derived from the Old French word “hovele”, which itself was derived from the Latin word “cubile”, meaning “bed”.

How do you spell hovel?

The correct spelling of hovel is “hovel”.

Is hovel a verb or a noun?

Hovel is a noun, not a verb.

Is hovel an adjective?

No, hovel is not an adjective. It is a noun.

Is hovel a compound word?

No, hovel is not a compound word.

Hovel is a noun that refers to a small, crude, and often dirty dwelling. Knowing how to pronounce hovel in American English can be helpful if you want to learn more about this word or use it in conversation. Hovel is pronounced “huh-vuhl”, with the “h” being silent and the “v” sounding like a “v” in the word “vine”. The “uh” sound is pronounced like the “u” sound in the word “up” and the “l” is pronounced like the “l” in the word “lunch”. It is spelled “hovel” and is a noun, not a verb or an adjective. It is not a compound word.

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